Local Plan update
Canterbury City Council has adopted a new timetable for the draft Local Plan.
The government has recently consulted on revised planning rules which looks at numbers of houses and where they should be built.
Whilst the government considers responses, it means the original deadline for Canterbury's Local Plan no longer applies.
Instead, councillors will now vote on a final Local Plan in Autumn 2025 rather than early 2025.
The Local Plan is a blueprint for future development across the district over the next 15 years. The consultation responses numbered around 4,000 with many of them reflecting concern over the housing proposals in Blean Forest.
You will hear us say that we are “in listening mode” when asked for our views” says Cllr Alex Ricketts.” This is because as councillors, we are restricted in what we can and cannot say as there are rules around predetermination. We need to be able to vote on these plans next autumn to properly represent our area and if judged to be predetermined, we cannot vote. Please be reassured that we most certainly are listening.
We will let residents know of any further updates on this website, through Focus and through our Facebook sites.